The recent jobs data belies underlying strength, from The Economist:
On wages, The Economist has an interesting take:
“But demographic change is keeping average wage growth artificially low. The financial crisis struck when the oldest baby-boomers were nearing retirement age. As well-paid boomers retire, average wages fall. In addition, many low-wage workers, who were disproportionately likely to lose their jobs during the recession, are now returning to work, which also pulls average wages down.
Recent work by researchers at the San Francisco Fed suggests that, as of the end of 2015, these biases in entries and exits from the workforce were reducing growth in median weekly earnings by about two percentage points. Those in steady employment are faring well: the Atlanta Fed’s wage index, which tracks the same individuals over time, thereby ignoring retirements and new workers, shows wage growth of 3.4% over the past year.”
Do read the whole article….
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