Lots of good stuff from Laura Blewitt, Bloomberg via the Houston Chronicle:
“Nationwide gross oil refinery inputs will rise above 17 million barrels a day before the year ends, according to Energy Aspects, even amid a busy maintenance season and interruptions at plants in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico that were clobbered by Hurricane Harvey in the third quarter.”
We are at around 16.4 now…
And this:
“The chance to skip out on compliance with costly U.S. biofuels regulations by exporting fuel is a huge incentive for overseas sales. Under the Renewable Fuel Standard, refiners aren’t required to buy blending credits called RINs for barrels that are exported. Mexico has potential to demand 600,000 barrels a day of gasoline imports as its own refineries limp.”
There is more: http://www.chron.com/business/energy/article/Mexico-s-fuel-thirst-sets-up-refiners-for-big-year-12344165.php
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