Venezuela, that is:
“Venezuelan bureaucrats will work two days a week to save electricity in the country facing a deepening energy crisis.
Public employees, who account for more than a third of Venezuela’s formal labor force, will have Wednesday and Thursday off, adding to an earlier decree which made Fridays a holiday, President Nicolás Maduro said on state television. Primary schools will also shut Fridays to save power.”
That is from today’s WSJ (….
Please, not another revolution:
“Fewer working hours and power rationing have coincided with the government’s drive to increase productivity to help the nation pull out of the deepest economic depression in its history. In the past four months, Mr. Maduro has created a Vice Presidency of Productive Economy, a Ministry of Strategic Industries and 15 “productive motors” ranging from fishing to mining.
“This is a productive revolution that is going to focus on producing what revolutions produce best,” Mr. Maduro said in February, after unveiling a plan to alleviate chronic food shortages with residential garden plots.”
Here is the EIA on Venezuela’s proved oil reserves:
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