The Economist has a nice article summarizing the effect of comments and actions from Washington on commodity prices here …
”Some oil bulls say Mr Trump’s nomination of Mike Pompeo as secretary of state and his appointment of John Bolton as national security adviser—both Iran hawks—have made sanctions likelier. These could remove at least 500,000 barrels a day of Iranian oil from a market that is already looking tighter because OPEC and non-OPEC producers have restrained output. Abhishek Deshpande, head of oil research at J.P. Morgan, says such sanctions could raise average annual oil prices by about $10 a barrel (Brent crude has been trading near $75). Additional measures threatened against Venezuela if elections on May 20th are not free and fair could squeeze the market yet more.”
Some of this, of course, is already in the market…
And, note the Bloomberg price index:
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