And it’s excellent..
”Storage would clearly be a game-changer as far as the shift to renewable energies such as wind and solar are concerned. Are we any closer to what you’ve called the storage miracle?
No. Just take Tokyo over a two-week period when there’s a typhoon. None of the renewable sources are available. That’s more energy than all the batteries the world has ever built times a large number. For car batteries, yes, we’ve done a great job and the kind of incremental improvement that is clearly going to come along will allow passenger electric cars to go from the few percent they are today to very mainstream over the next decade or two. That’s supergood news. That’s only a piece of the transport problem. Planes are much, much harder than passenger cars. When we look at storage, we should acknowledge that for grid-level storage, there’s a very good chance we’ll never have that breakthrough. We have to pursue alternate paths to having a completely clean, reliable, dramatically enlarged electricity supply.”
The link is here…
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